Our mission is preventing and ending homelessness in Chester County, Pennsylvania

Homelessness in Chester County
Homelessness in our community can often go unseen. It may affect the family next door that is facing foreclosure due to job loss. Or your child’s classmate who doesn’t invite friends over because they are staying in a shelter. Or a mother who had to flee her home to find safety from domestic violence. The causes of homelessness in our community vary, and so do the people.
On any given night…
Community Collaborative
The Partnership is a community-based collaborative that strives to end homelessness in Chester County by actively promoting access to safe housing without discriminatory prerequisites or conditions. We’re working together with our partner agencies to leverage resources, provide rental assistance, support the development of affordable housing, and connect individuals to housing via our coordinated entry system.
Janelle & Mike
Janelle and Mike were in between jobs and had trouble finding stable housing. They didn’t have the proper paperwork to prove they were working which resulted in an eviction and landed them in a shelter. They were homeless until they could collect the paperwork needed to return to their housing program. Gradually, they are getting things worked out and they remain connected as a family. Right now, transportation is their biggest hurdle.

If you are currently experiencing homelessness or are at risk of losing your housing, we can help.
The Partnership
We are a partnership of service providers, educators, healthcare practitioners, faith communities, funders, government entities, businesses, volunteers, people who have experienced homelessness, and the greater community. Together, we can prevent and end homelessness in our community by collaborating with and supporting the existing system of organizations providing housing and support services to people experiencing homelessness in Chester County.

One county. One commitment. One vision to see our community housed.
Search our library of resources for the latest reports, publications, news, data, and more about the state of homelessness in our community and across the nation.
Be a part of the solution
Join as an individual partner to receive our newsletter and learn more about what you can do in our community. Stay connected and follow us on Facebook. Get involved now by volunteering with one of our housing solution partners.