Racial and Social Equity

The Chester County Partnership to End Homelessness (the Partnership) envisions a county in which all residents have equitable access to housing opportunities. We are committed to the fair and equitable provision, implementation, and impact of housing and homeless services, programs, and policies. This includes elimination of practices, attitudes, and cultural messages that reinforce disparate treatment by race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, ability, sex, gender, familial status, and age. In Chester County and throughout the United States, a disproportionate number of people experiencing poverty and homelessness are people and families of color. We recognize that systemic racism exists in large part due to historical, perpetuated biases that create disparities and inequities within our community. The Partnership is further committed to identifying and eliminating disparities in access, outcomes, and participation in all levels of our leadership and structure for people of color.

The Partnership is further committed to affirmatively furthering fair housing by taking meaningful actions, in addition to combating discrimination, that overcome patterns of segregation and foster inclusive communities free from barriers that restrict access to opportunity based on protected characteristics, which are:

  • Race

  • Color

  • National origin

  • Religion

  • Sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity)

  • Familial status

  • Disability