Why do people experience homelessness?

Row of homes in Chester County housing development

Lack of Affordable Housing

Across the nation, there is a shortage of affordable housing. Similarly, in Pennsylvania, there are not enough affordable units available for extremely low renter households. Low-income renters often work low-wage jobs that do not meet the demand for the cost of housing. Low-income renters are often forced to choose between living in poorly managed apartments or becoming homeless.

Learn More About Housing Affordability

Poverty and Homelessness

Man holding an open, empty wallet

Extremely low-income renters in Pennsylvania are often spending more than 30% of their household’s income on rent. For some, living with a disability can mean they are unable to work. For others, low-income wages, underemployment, or unemployment often means that they do not make enough money to pay their bills and are at-risk of losing their housing.

Learn More about Housing & Poverty

Health and Homelessness

Empty hospital bed in a sterile room

Poor health can often lead to homelessness due to expensive medical bills and the inability to work. Once someone becomes homeless, living on the street can exacerbate and even cause severe health conditions including infections, pneumonia, and other injuries. Without housing, chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, mental health and substance use conditions become difficult to manage, and the threat of violence and communicable diseases increase.

Learn More about Housing & Healthcare

Domestic Violence

Woman with palm to the camera in front of her face

Individuals experiencing violence in their home are often faced with the cruel choice to stay with their abuser or leave and become homeless. A shortage of affordable housing in Chester County compounds the challenges for domestic abuse survivors looking for safe, stable homes near childcare or work.

Learn More About Housing & Domestic Violence

Rental Challenges

Front of a house with a notice in the window

Every day, one person is evicted from their home in Chester County. Low-income renters face an uphill battle when it comes to finding affordable and available housing. In addition to a shortage of available units, in some cases, they must also contend with misconceptions around using housing vouchers and other non-wage income to pay for rent, among other forms of discrimination.

Learn More About Housing Barriers for Renters

 Find more data, resources, and news about homelessness in Chester County and across the country.