Policies and Procedures
Policies and procedures provide accountability for our coordinated entry system and assure the fair and equitable provision, implementation, and impact of our services, programs, and policies. In addition, an elected Continuum of Care (CoC) Governance Board ensures the Partnership is aligned with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s policy and funding requirements.
HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program-funded grant recipients and subrecipients must maintain complete, up-to-date written records and procedures for each CoC Program funded project. Recipients must maintain and follow written intake procedures to comply with the. homeless definition in 24 CFR 578.3. CoC Program-funded PSH programs are also required to document a program participant’s status as chronically homeless as defined in 24 CFR 578.3 and in accordance with 24 CFR 578.103. The procedures must require documentation at intake of the evidence relied upon to establish and verify homeless status.
The Inactive Policy is an integral component of maintaining a real-time by-name list, as well as a robust Coordinated Entry System. To ensure an efficient assessment and referral process, it is critical that the Targeted Homelessness Resource Coordinator and housing programs have the ability to contact and connect with households as soon as a housing opportunity becomes available.
The Chester County Partnership to End Homelessness (CCPEH) and its partner providers are guided by the principles that:
Housing is a human right.
Families and individuals experiencing homelessness as defined by the HEARTH Act should receive housing first, regardless of any barriers to permanent housing stability.
Once housed, families and individuals exiting from homelessness should be provided supportive services to ensure their housing stability.
Housing resources (e.g., case management, housing location services, subsidies, and referrals to other services) should be flexible and customized to the unique needs, strengths, and living situations of a family or individual using a person-centered, progressive approach.
The Extreme Weather Emergency Shelter Policy is intended to provide a safe environment for Chester County residents experiencing homelessness during times of extreme weather events that are threat to human life or well-being. This policy is not intended to supersede any other county policy or department of emergency services policy.
The Chester County Partnership to End Homelessness is committed to ending and preventing homelessness in Chester County, Pennsylvania. The Partnership has established the following standards to prioritize equitable access to limited housing resources for the most vulnerable members of our community.
The Chester County Partnership To End Homelessness (PA-505 CoC) is committed to fair, equal, and equitable access to housing and services for all residents experiencing homelessness in Chester County, Pennsylvania. All Chester County Partnership to End Homelessness member organizations are expected to comply with the following Governance Board-approved anti-discrimination, equal access, and fair housing policies.
People that are currently experiencing literal homelessness (Category 1 of HUD’s Definition of Homelessness – see HUD’s Homeless Definition Criteria Sheet) that has been confirmed by the Street Outreach Team and report a documented pregnancy or households who have an infant or young child (24 months old or under) will automatically be given top priority on the Emergency Family Shelter List, regardless of their VI-SPDAT score.
The Chester County Partnership to End Homelessness utilizes HUD’s Homeless Definition Criteria for service prioritization within the Chester County Partnership to End Homelessness Coordinated Entry System.
Communities throughout Southeastern Pennsylvania are transforming their housing crisis response systems through single point of entry centralized intake and coordinated assessment services with the goal of helping families and individuals who are homeless or at-risk for homelessness to find shelter and achieve permanent housing stability more effectively given limited funding and other resources.
The Chester County Partnership to End Homelessness Governance Board adopted CPD-17-01 Notice Establishing Additional Requirements for a Continuum of Care Centralized or Coordinated Assessment System. It is effective as of July 26, 2018.
The Chester County Partnership to End Homelessness’ Governance Board adopted CPD-16-11 Notice on Prioritizing Persons Experiencing Chronic Homelessness and Other Vulnerable Homeless Persons in Permanent Supportive Housing. It is effective as of July 26, 2018.
The Chester County Partnership to End Homelessness’ Governance Board adopted CPD-15-02 Appropriate Placement for Transgender Persons in Single-Sex Emergency Shelters and Other Facilities. It is effective as of July 26, 2018.